Saturday, March 13, 2010

Blog Construction

I'm a learn-as-you-go kinda gal. With the abundance of information out there on the world-wide web, possibilities are endless for people like me (and downright dangerous). I plan to spend the better part of the day updating my blog with some eye candy. Of course, "better part of the day" is relative. To what? you ask. Mostly the two little people who pop in and out asking for food, hugs, attention, water, kissed booboos, breaking up fights, and more hugs. Not to mention my ever increasing "to do" list...a trip to Denver, a Robertson family run-in with a stomach bug, and another trip to DC isn't helping that list. So - "please forgive our mess" and keep your hard hat handy for the weekend. Here's to hoping my juggling act is successful as I make my edits. Have a great weekend and check back soon for more pix - and a much more appealing blog!


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